
Book distribution

Ovidius University Press publishing house respects its obligation of legal deposit. The books are sent to the National Library of Romania and to the "Ioan N. Roman" County Library, Constanta. Ovidius University Press publishing house encourages the distribution of its books through interlibrary exchange to libraries in Romania and abroad.   

Ovidius University of Constanța offers for sale titles published by its publishing house, Ovidius University Press.  Inquiries should be sent by email to editura.oup@univ-ovidius.ro.

Upon receipt of a firm order, the university issues an invoice and, after receiving the payment, by bank transfer, completes the delivery.

În cazul livrării comenzii în localități din România, plata cheltuielilor de transport se va realiza de către destinatar, la recepție. În cazul livrărilor internaționale costul transportului va fi inclus în factură.

The details for domestic payments in lei are as follows:

Account holder: Universitatea „Ovidius” din Constanța

Adresa: Bd. Mamaia nr. 126, Constanța – 900527

Fiscal code: 4301332

Account number: RO71 TREZ 2312 0F33 1600 XXXX

Bank name: Trezoreria Constanța

The details for international payments in euro are as follows:

Account holder: ”Ovidius” University of Constanța

Address: Bd. Mamaia 126, Constanța – 900527, Romania

Fiscal code: 4301332

Account number: RO28 RNCB 0114 0320 5316 0001 /EURO

Bank name: BCR, Constanța branch

Bank address: Str. Traian 68, Constanța, Romania



"Ovidius University Press” Publishing House

Address: Constanţa, 124 Mamaia Blvd.

Phone: 0770246432

Email: editura.oup@univ-ovidius.ro,


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